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17 Hard-Earned Lessons on Being a Successful Sales Leader leadership sales leader sales leadership

Let me take you on a journey through my 9,641 days of striving to be a better sales leader. Yes, I've made my fair share of mistakes, and I'm...

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When Favoritism Crushes Your Company: A Sales Leadership Lesson leadership sales consulting for startups sales leadership

Let me tell you a story about a lesson I learned the hard way - a lesson about how treating a top-performing salesperson differently can crush a company....

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Scriptural Wisdom 10 Bible Verses Highlighting Qualities of a Good Leader leadership sales leadership scriptures on leadership

In the tapestry of life, I find the threads of leadership intricately woven into the sacred verses of the Bible. The divine guidance provided in...

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Divine Leadership Exploring the Bible for Timeless Qualities leadership sales leadership scriptures on leadership

As I reflect on my journey as a leader, I find solace and profound insights in the timeless words of the Bible. The sacred scriptures,...

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Faithful Leadership: Drawing Strength from Scriptures - A Comprehensive Guide leadership management sales leadership scriptures on leadership

In the journey of leadership, I have often found myself seeking guidance beyond management textbooks and leadership seminars. It led me to an unexpected yet...

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Navigating the Maze: Lessons in Rolling Out Sales Commission Plans leadership sales leadership sales management

Transitioning from the frontlines of sales to sales leadership, I quickly realized one universal truth—sales commission plans change. It's a constant,...

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